Technique: Research

I am supposed to make a separate post containing my “non-technical” process, in other words my research. I find this prompt to a be a bit baffling due to my definition of technique/ technical/ technology. Research, reading, watching, pretty much anything is a technique, besides breathing… maybe, thus making the process technical. End rant.

For this post I would just like to share what I’ve been reading to further my investigation of technology, technique, and experimentation causing humans to be identified as tool- makers rather than of tool- users.


Jacques Ellul: The Technological Society: 1964

Martin Heidegger: The Question Concerning Technology: 1977

Lewis Mumford: Technics and Society: 1934: The Myth of The Machine; Volume I: Technics and Human Development: 1967

Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra and Simulations: 1981

Art Theory:

John Cage: Silence: Lectures and Writings: 1939

Caroline A. Jones: Sensorium: Embodied Experience, Technology and Contemporary Art: 2006

Ron Burnett: How Images Think: 2004

Salome Voegelin: Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art: 2010

If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me. I would love to discuss any of the readings or new readings. I am currently looking for more material on: Digital (device) Technology, Experimentation, Curiosity, Sound Art, and Glitch.


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